Fine Rugs

Exceptional Cleaning Solutions provides rug cleaning in place or complete rug washing at our location. We have invested in extensive training and equipment to ensure that your rugs are cleaned safely, gently, and thoroughly. Our company has been trained by the most prestigious and costly training system in the United States - The Master Rug Cleaner Program. This extensive course takes an entire year to complete and only a handful of cleaners around the world are able to attend each year.

Fine rugs made of natural fibers often require cleaning off-site. This is because their dyes can be sensitive to bleeding and fibers such as cotton or viscose are subject to browning as they dry. This is particularly the case if pet urine is present. Rugs with pet odor require off-site cleaning as it requires a complete water immersion with special additives to completely remove odor from such absorbent fibers as wool, silk, viscose, or cotton. 

Many rugs can be cleaned in your home, when odor is not present or heavy soil does not dictate that the rug be dusted to remove dry soil. This method is much more cost-effective and is more than adequate for rugs made of synthetic fibers. We use cleaners designed specifically for your rug’s fiber type and clean using low moisture to allow for quick drying and ready for use in just a few hours. 

Wool, silk, viscose, or cotton rugs or rugs with urine odor often require a full washing. This process is done in our shop and can take about 2 weeks to complete the process. Rugs are tested for color fastness for 24 hours before the are thoroughly “dusted” to remove dry soil, vacuumed, and then pretreated for odor. “Dusting” is a process by where we use a specific machine to “beat” the back of your rug to create vibration, up to 10,000 harmonic vibrations per minute to allow embedded dry soil to shake loose and fall into our rug grates meant to trap the soil so it can be removed. Think of your grandmothers rug being thrown over a fence or clothesline to be beaten with a stick to remove the dry soil. Technology is far more advanced now, and this process can be accomplished much more thoroughly and efficiently!

Dye locking agents and anti-dyes are often required to help guard against dye bleeding and migrant dyes shifting into unwanted areas of your rug. Urine can cause irreparable damage to dyes, causing them to become unstable and we take every precaution to avoid this from happening but is, on rare occasion, inevitable. You will be informed of this prior to cleaning to obtain permission to proceed. 

The rug would then be immersed into a bath with rug shampoo and scrubbed with a counter rotating brush machine or a planetary scrubber to work the shampoo in and release embedded soil. A pump removes the dirty water and fresh water is pumped into the bath while rug squeegees and weighted rollers are used to flush out all soil and contaminants until the clean water runs clear. Then and only then is the water extracted and the rug is hung on a drying rack to dry using high powered air movers and dehumidifiers. Once dry, the fringe is hand detailed, the rug is groomed and vacuumed before being rolled up to return. We can pick up your rugs from your home but require that the rug be removed from under furniture and rolled up for pickup. 

Whether you choose on-site steam cleaning or off-site washing, Exceptional Cleaning Solutions can clean your fine rugs and add years of life and beauty to your rugs, making them brighter, fresher, and more beautiful than you can remember they could be!